ICCSE 2016
The UTC Institute for Advanced Systems Engineering (UTC-IASE) at the University of Connecticut (UConn) is organizing a two-day international conference on complex systems engineering (ICCSE 2016) in October 2016 at or near the UConn’s Avery Point campus in Groton, CT, USA. The conference is focused on model-based systems engineering (MBSE) of complex systems intended to revolutionize the design of functionally superior, easy-to-use and maintain, safe, reliable, secure and trustable systems that are built from, and depend upon, the synergy of computational and physical components. The conference will feature talks by plenary speakers from industry and academia, panel discussions, technical paper sessions, student poster sessions and industry exhibits.
The conference goals are aligned with UConn’s UTC-IASE that aims to serve as a hub for world-class research, project-based learning by globally-distributed teams of researchers, and industrial outreach activities. In UTC-IASE’s view, Advanced Systems Engineering brings together model based engineering and interdisciplinary themes into a requirements and architecture centric environment where new levels of systems understanding can be achieved. The UTC-IASE intends to differentiate itself through a unique model-based approach to systems engineering, becoming a leader in the converging technological revolutions and creating a new paradigm in interdisciplinary engineering education, research and outreach to industry.