Krishna Pattipati


Electrical and Computer Engineering

Key Active Research Projects

  • Fault Diagnosis and Prognosis (NSF, GM, Fairchild, Comcast)
  • Hybrid model-based and data-driven detection, diagnosis and prognosis in cyber-physical systems (Buildings, Cars and Aerospace applications )
  • Battery status estimation for mobile applications
  • “Big Data” Analytics for Multi-media
  • Command and Control (ONR, NRL)
  • Proactive Decision Support Systems for Agile Planning
  • Weather routing of ships, helicopters and UAVs
  • Counter-piracy, Drug Interdiction, QUBE HPC

Future Directions

  • Water space management to de-conflict operations that may interfere with submerged operations (ONR, NRL)
  • Develop and integrate conflict detection and resolution algorithms into Navy operational planning tools
  • Proactive Decision Support Systems
  • Cognitive context detection of UAV operators based on physiological data (e.g., eye tracking and gaze data)
  • UAV task scheduling for supervisory control operations
  • Parallel algorithms for routing under uncertainty
  • Distributed C2 architectures for efficient communication and workload balancing
  • Human-machine collectives

Key Skills/Capabilities

Research Specialties:

  • Focus: Systems theory and optimization techniques to solve problems of interest to Commercial Industry and National Defense
  • Skills: Combinatorial optimization, Inference under uncertainty, Machine learning, Stochastic models, Computational methods
  • Modeling and simulation capabilities using a variety of state-of-the-art platforms:
  • C/C#, Python, Java, CPLEX, Gurobi, MATLAB, Carsim, TEAMS,…

Web links:

Google Scholar Profile

Krishna Pattipati

Contact Information
Phone(860) 486-2890