Wei Yan

Ph.D. student

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Wei Yan received the master’s degree in electronic engineering at the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2014. He is currently a PhD student at the University of Connecticut. He has worked on FPGA-based systems since 2009. Projects include Solid-State Device, high-speed interface, parallel error correcting code, embedded flash translation layer and other memory systems. His research interests include digital system architecture, FPGA-based design and fault tolerant algorithm.

Systems Engineering Focus

Key Active Research Projects

  • Design automation and optimization framework for embedded systems
  • Internet of Things system-level security
  • Very large scale system authentication and authorization

Future Directions

  • FPGA-based system design
  • Digital system security
  • Fault tolerant system architecture

Key Skills/Capabilities

Contact Information
Phone(860) 771-8297
Mailing Address371 Fairfield Way, Unit 4157
Office LocationITEB 415