The PW-IASE works with United Technologies Corporation as well as other industries in Connecticut to find suitable internship opportunities for graduate students pursuing Systems Engineering studies and research interests at UConn.

The interns work to support the implementation of cutting edge model-based tools and processes with the goal of improving strategic decision making in engineering organizations. Typical job responsibilities include:

  • Establish scalable, efficient, automated processes for model based design and systems engineering
  • Conduct analysis and help generate actionable insights for solving complex challenges
  • Transform prior experience, insights, and data into information to enable model and data driven business decisions
  • Present complex information in a simple, intuitive format and to present findings in a clear and concise manner

If you are a UConn student working on or interested in Model Based Systems Engineering, please contact the PW-IASE office to explore suitable opportunities. If you represent a company looking for graduate level interns in the area of Model Based Systems Engineering, please contact the PW-IASE office.