The PW-IASE Guest Professorship Award sponsors visiting professors with national and international reputation in the field of cyber-physical systems engineering to collaborate and mentor UConn faculty and students. The goal of the award is to attract exceptional researchers and educators and promote cross-disciplinary work in areas of interest to the PW Institute for Advanced Systems Engineering and the United Technologies Corporation. Guest Professors from all engineering all other related disciplines are invited to participate in a 3-6 week program with emphasis on cross-university collaboration, faculty and student mentoring and advising, research proposals creation, research project refinement, and creation of new educational directions (development of new courses or enhancement of existing courses).
Guest professors are expected to collaborate with UConn Faculty and PW Engineers in the following areas:
Offer seminars and lectures in an area of interest to the PW-IASE
Collaboration for the development of new collaborative research proposals
Mentor graduate students and fellows currently working in projects sponsored by the PW-IASE
Present a seminar to PW in the UTRC campus
Review the curriculum content of the PW-IASE and propose new directions, refinements and new content or applications
UConn Faculty are requested to nominate a Guest Professor in an application containing the following
Letter of recommendation for the Guest Professor (limit 1 page)
Curriculum Vitae of the Guest Professor
A plan for the nominee's proposed activities, including:
A series of lectures or seminars
A series of meeting with other faculty explaining briefly the common topic of interest
A series of advising meetings with PW-IASE graduate students and fellows explaining briefly common research interests
Possible collaborative research proposals
Educational content that will be reviewed and refined
The title of a seminar to be given in the United Technologies Research Center
Not all of the above are mandatory, but the ideal application will contain a plan with many of the above. The proposed plan should not exceed 3 pages in length.
Budget, brief budget justification and time table of activities (limit 1 page)
Support letters by at least 3 faculty that express their interest in inviting and supporting the Guest Professor (limit 1 page per letter)
The PW-IASE Guest Professorship Award will cover transportation, accommodation and living expenses and a honorarium for the Guest Professor up to a total not to exceed $30,000. Half of the award is sponsored by the Dean of the School of Engineering and the other half by the PW Institute for Advanced Systems Engineering. Only expenses made by the Guest Professor will be covered. Applications may distribute expenses as needed, but proposers should submit a draft budget justification with the proposal.
Submit your application as one single PDF file by 5:00pm, May 31st 2017 to Michelle Morse at
Applications will be reviewed by the PW-IASE Governing Committee and applicants will be notified by June 10th.
Guest Professorship funds will be made available anytime between June 15th and December 31st.