Omer Khan

Assistant Professor

Electrical and Computer Engineering

Key Active Research Projects

[NSF, SRC, DOD/NRL, UTC] My research focuses on the interaction between parallel computer system architecture and software, as well as the underlying hardware implementation challenges. These challenges include efficiency, scalability, resiliency, and security issues across embedded and high-performance many-core architectures. The basic tenant of my research is that architecture design must be cognizant of these implementation issues, and that multi-layer and multi-scale solutions spanning hardware, architecture and software can provide significant advantages.

Future Directions

Cognitive architectures to solve sensors-to-decision problems, such as autonomous vehicles, self-driving cars, robotics etc.
Architectural methods for scalable, efficient, and deterministic concurrent execution of safety critical applications on many-core processors
Architectural methods for resilient yet efficient processing of graph analytic and machine learning workloads on many-core processors

Key Skills/Capabilities

Research Specialties:

Computer Architecture

Modeling and simulation capabilities using a variety of state-of-the-art platforms:

Google Scholar Profile

Omer Khan

Contact Information
Phone(860) 486-2192
Mailing Address371 Fairfield Way
Office LocationITE 447