The goal of the PW Endowed Graduate Fellows Program is to attract exceptional students for graduate study leading to Masters or Doctoral degrees in the field of systems engineering related to model-based design and development of complex systems. The program seeks to cultivate ties with the PW business units, allow individuals to work closely with the UConn faculty and PW scientists and engineers, and to help meet the critical needs of the nation in the design of high performance, reliable and cost-effective systems.
The 2014 PW Endowed Fellows Program will support 4 students. The fellowship is awarded to senior undergraduate students seeking to perform graduate studies in the systems engineering area and current UConn Engineering graduate students who seek support for their research in the systems engineering area. Students are expected to identify an existing or future advisor from the UConn Faculty. Eligibility for support is based on the student's academic qualifications, which is evaluated with metrics specific to the student’s level.
Students should send an application to the Institute’s Associate Director of Academic Programs George Bollas including the following:
- GPA, GRE scores (for incoming students only), and a copy of graduate and/or undergraduate transcript
- A personal statement addressing the applicant's accomplishments along with a description of how well the applicant fits in the program and identification of UConn faculty advisors (existing or desired)
- A two-page research proposal
- Three recommendation letters including a one-page mentorship plan by the advisor
- A signed copy of PW-IASE Fellowship Requirements
Application material should be included in a single document. Individuals accepting this award may not concurrently receive other Federal fellowships or traineeships. Preference will be given to new students requesting to join the UConn/PW Systems Engineering Ph.D. Program. Underrepresented groups in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields (STEM) are strongly encouraged to apply to the program. The Institute’s governing board will review and select awardees.