This event focused on strengthening ties between our UTC-IASE Graduate fellows and sponsored researchers with business units of the United Technologies Corporation.
The luncheon provided our fellows with a chance to interact with UTC managers and engineers, discuss with their peers, present their work, research and scientific accomplishments. They were able to get feedback about research and its directions, and discuss future opportunities like research, training and employment.
United Technologies Research Center hosted this event and each of the graduate fellows presented a poster about their Systems Engineering research as well as a one slide overview.
Statements from Graduate Fellows:
“A great way to see what students outside of my lab group were up to and see what innovative work is being done.”
– Kyle Palmer
“Luncheon was a great opportunity to see the work of other UTC-IASE fellows and at the same time, I had the chance to meet people from UTC.”
– Evangelos Stefanidis
“I enjoyed getting a chance to see the impressive research that the other fellows have been working on and having the opportunity discuss future possibilities and new directions with both my colleagues and UTC engineers.”
– Brian Baillie