Led by Professors George Bollas, Krishna Pattipati, Parasara Duggirala, and Ming-Hui Chen, the Bayesian Design of Tests for Fault Detection and Isolation in Complex Systems project has been awarded $200,000. This project aims to seed interdisciplinary and collaborative work on active methods for hard to detect and isolate faults in complex systems generating large amounts of heterogeneous data. In collaboration with United Technologies Aerospace Systems and with applications inspired by the aerospace industry, the investigators’ aim is to enable the cost-effective and safe operation of modern cyber-physical systems, such as transportation, commercial buildings, manufacturing, energy systems, and emergency response systems, which are all critical to the growth of the State’s industrial base. This project illustrates the indication of the penetration of the activities of UTC-IASE in the priorities of the University of Connecticut. The priorities of Level 1 Academic plan Projects are “to support strategic areas of emphasis that have already demonstrated promise and potential (metrics for success include number of students who may benefit from new educational and outreach programs, significant extramural funding support that involves inter-disciplinary groups of faculty partners, national recognition, etc.).” More information can be found here: http://academicvision.uconn.edu/